High School DxD BorN Episode Eleven Thoughts

High School DxD Born

I still don’t really understand why or how Rias is being mind-controlled or is in a confused state, I just know that she is. However, she does look pretty cool in her own Balance Breaker armour. I think that shows how deep her feelings for Issei are, by wearing his own armour. I think there’s a metaphor there somewhere that her red hair is connected with Issei’s Sacred Gear. I’m not altogether sure what it is though.

Issei was looking at the prospect of fighting Rias all wrong. He’s not fighting to beat her he’s fighting to save her. Granted, his emotions and mind are in a confused state so he probably won’t think rationally. I’m glad he didn’t hesitate to save Rias. However, I do think it would have been cooler if he said something like, “If it means that I’m the enemy of the underworld and of the devils, then it’s a price to pay to save Rias and see her smile return.”

Alas, Issei will probably never think of a quote like that as Issei was just being Issei. Haha.
Is it really possible for a devil to become a Fallen Angel? Maybe Fallen Devils exist? They probably don’t as it doesn’t sound right. Haha. I wonder what Ajuka did to Issei. Did he give him a power-up? It’s probably something like that Fafnir object that protected Asia.

It’s nice to see Kuroka again. She clearly cares about Koneko even if she has become a criminal. I was really expecting a fight to break out but in this case there wasn’t enough time for Issei to duel with Vali and Kuroka.

I hope Issei and Rias make it back in time to the real world, that is, when they stop fighting.^^/

Thanks for Reading
