Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Episode Seven Thoughts

Is It Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon anime

Ah, that Freya. It seems that she sent one of her men, possible a familiar member, Ottarl, to the battlefield to fight a Minotaur. It seems like Ottarl was deliberately trying to frustrate a Minotaur to the point of rage where that Minotaur would get strong through the pit of rage. What is Freya plotting? This is evidently connected with Bell as she will do everything she can to have him. But, why get her hands on a Minotaur?

I have a theory… perhaps Freya knows that Bell had that incident with a Minotaur and he’s holding onto that bad memory. So, Freya deliberately got Ottarl to pick up a raged up Minotaur and will force that same one to fight Bell. That way, if Bell fights that Minotaur and beats it then perhaps he’ll be able to let go of his traumatic situation from weeks ago. Either that or she wants him to get killed so she can go to heaven and make a claim to him. I doubt she will try to kill Hestia again.

This episode was definitely going to be about Aiz but I never anticipated that Aiz would train Bell in combat, let alone interact with him. In a way I’m glad we haven’t found out about Aiz’s past yet as I rather see her interact and develop a nice relationship with Bell.

Naturally, Bell tried to run away after seeing the person he admired. I know exactly what he’s going through when it comes to crushes. You don’t know where to look when someone you like or admire looks at you right in the face. I don’t think I would run away though… well, not now. Haha.

I did notice one thing though, something which I nearly overlooked. Bell bumped into Aiz’s bum, accidentally, when she cut him off from running away. Initially I thought it was just right place, right time for Bell. However, I suddenly remembered that Aiz doesn’t allow her Goddess, Loki, to touch her anywhere, especially her bum. Yet, she didn’t bat an eyelash when Bell touched her, albeit, accidentally. This tells me that she’s comfortable with Bell.

Aiz training Bell was a nice moment. It does seem like she is a bit of an airhead, something which I suspected deep down. I get the impression that she wanted to avoid combat training with him but was left with no choice after… well, having no more choices to choose from. Haha. It was pretty funny when she kept on knocking him out. And every time he gets knocked down he would wake up on her lap… that was funny but it might do him good if he stopped screaming for once. He’s going to give himself a sore throat. XD

What was that sudden afternoon nap all about? It was like the battle of wills, I think, of Bell’s conscience. The Grandpa represented his Devil side and Hestia represented his God side. However, I’m glad he didn’t kiss Aiz in the end as that would have left a bad taste in my mouth. If he did have to touch her no matter what than I would give Aiz a taste of her own medicine and have her head resting on my lap. Of course, Bell wouldn’t think of that.

I do beg the question… was Aiz genuinely asleep? Initially, when she said “wait” I thought she was just sleep talking. However, perhaps she was fully aware what was happening and wasn’t prepared to receive Bell’s kiss? She did remind me a little bit of Snow White when she was lying down with her hands on her ribcage.

I did fear for Bell when Aiz went to the booth where Hestia works. It was only natural that Hestia would get upset and jealous. Bell really did let his guard down. On a side note, I always thought that Bell would treat Aiz to something to dinner first, rather than the other way around. Hestia was adorable as ever when she’s jealous. Not only is she competing against Lili but now Aiz. She does have a point though… Bell is spotted with a different girl in every scene. Haha.

I’m going to venture a big guess here and say that that Minotaur will most likely attack when Aiz goes on that expedition with the rest of her familiar. That way Bell has to fight that Minotaur without her help. Plus, he’s learned a great deal from Aiz and looks much stronger and more skilled in physical combat.


Hestia's Evil Grin

So far the anime have not really explained how the levels work. I think it’s probably sensible as I personally found it a little complicated when I read the book the first time. I think it goes like this… Bell is a Level One adventurer.

Adventurers are ranked in five areas; Strength, Defence, Utility, Agility and Magic.

You get Battle Points, so to speak, in the form of letters and numbers. I is the lowest, A is the highest. If you are on a Level 1 I-999 in Agility and your God/Goddess just levelled you up then your Agility will probably be something like Level 1 H-12. It depends what you did in the dungeon. Bell tends to get high scores in the Agility department as he manages to dodge monster attacks. He levels up quickly in all departments due to his Realis Phrase ability.

It will be interesting to see what happens when he reaches the level A-999 in Agility. When he reaches Level Two in Agility he would probably start from I again as you would work your way up through each Level. But, does this mean that Bell will become a Level Two in all areas automatically? Or, will he just be a Level Two in Agility and Level One in the rest of his attributes. I haven’t read the rest of the Light Novel Volume Two yet so I’m not sure if these questions have already been answered.

Whatever the case, I’m enjoying the anime very, very much. =)

Thanks for reading. =)

