Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma Episode Eleven Thoughts

Magical Cabbage End Card

I’m pleased that Shinomiya accepted Soma’s Shokugeki challenge, well, due to the interference and intimidation of Dojima. I had a feeling that Dojima would somehow get involved. I didn’t know Megumi had a particular dialect. She sounds cute though. It made me think of Marika from Nisekoi as like Megumi she slips into her natural dialect whenever she is flustered.

It’s rather unfortunate but fair that Hinako is not a judge as she would be biased towards Megumi. I wonder how she kept on escaping the rope. Perhaps she’s a ninja. Haha. She’s supposed to have a fearsome reputation but all I see is a fun and carefree side of her. She never fails to make me laugh. Tying her up was a bit harsh though.

I do feel for Megumi. It must have been a shock to learn that she was going to be the main chef and Soma was going to be her support. I can understand why Dojima made that move. If Megumi keeps on relying on Soma then it will do more harm than good. At some point she will probably have to stand on her own two feet, especially in the kitchen.

Thankfully Soma managed to snap Megumi’s nervousness away, well, clap her nervousness away as he clapped his hands into Megumi’s. He also slapped Megumi’s back to calm her down. I think the two had good chemistry whilst cooking. Soma had a good idea what Megumi had in mind to cook and prepared the ingredients in advance.

I think the highlight of this episode for me was definitely when all the judges envisioned themselves as Magical Girls, or rather, Magical Cabbage. And Hitoshi was a bird mascot. Haha. I think I’m sensing a bit of a Sailor Moon tribute. Hinako, Fuyumi and Dojima are the Sailor Girls whilst Donato is the Tuxedo guy from Sailor Moon.

Megumi’s dish looks really lovely, but will it be enough to beat Shinomiya? I think she just very well might.

Shinomiya claims that he was deliberately holding back because he didn’t want to be mean, but personally, I think he’s being arrogant. I think he’s underestimating Megumi and he’s making something basic rather than he’s special dish. In his eyes he probably doesn’t need to be at his best to beat a “student.”

I’m disappointed that we have to wait for another week until we find out what the judges decide.

Thanks for Reading. =)


Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma Episode Ten Thoughts

Yuki Hero Endcard

Aww, poor Megumi. I sort of sensed that something was going to happen as soon as Shinomiya said that no one was allowed to work as a team. Megumi is a polite and selfless girl who would be the most vulnerable in that sort of predicament. Because most of the chefs there were selfish they were aggressive gathering the ingredients, leaving Megumi little to no room to grab the veg of her own. She managed to get some of the veg though so good for her.

I was gutted when she got “fired”. Her dish looks really nice and I do think that chef, Shinomiya, was really harsh to expel her on the spot. Most of the chefs are pretty ruthless in that camp so it’s not all that surprising. I am somewhat surprised that Soma managed to keep his cool enough to challenge him to a Shokugeki Battle. If Soma wins then Megumi will not be expelled. I wonder what the cost will be if Soma loses?

Having said all that I’m probably jumping the gun, for all I know Shinomiya might not accept Soma’s challenge. And for all I know alumnus probably can’t participate in Shokugeki Battles with current students of Totsuki. I’m pretty sure Shinomiya will accept his challenge and I’m sure current students can face off against alumnus. =D If or when he accepts the challenge I hope Soma wipes the floor with him.

That beginning banter between Soma and Nakiri was pretty humorous to watch. I was half expecting Erina to slap him but I did expect her to give him a lot of verbal abuse. I reckon she would have had a lot of fun playing cards with Soma. I do wonder why she didn’t take part in that challenge. Is it because she’s part of the Elite Ten of the Council and is exempt from that specific challenge? I will probably have to re-watch to see if I’ve missed anything from their banter. Her humming was good to listen to.

I enjoyed Yuki moments in this episode, especially the end card when she dresses up as a hero whilst Megumi and Ryouko were slimes. I also enjoyed seeing more of Erina’s backstory on how she was critiquing baby meals when she was a baby. It’s cute yet hilarious. Haha.

Dojima’s reaction to Soma’s name was interesting. This made me suspect immediately that he knows Soma’s Dad.

Thanks for Reading. =)



Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma Episode Nine Thoughts

Erina Endcard

I really do like Hinako, she’s very cute. Even though she has a fearsome reputation she acts very relaxed and sweet. I do think her moral dropped after Soma took away her Kaki-no-Tane. It was all for a good cause though as he served her that very same tea snack as part of a dish. I can’t describe it but he sort of coated the fish with the Kaki-no-Tane chips. I also really like the fact how Hinako is voiced by Mamiko Noto. I just know when a character is being voiced by Mamiko as she has that distinctive voice about her. I get drawn into her voice and characters every time. =)

Hinako summed up Soma perfectly in that he’s very creative despite time running against him. She looked pretty as a mermaid but I did crack up laughing when the man behind her had a meat-type head. I’m not really sure how else to describe it except that I thought it was funny. XD

I unexpectedly started to like Takumi in this episode. I pictured him to be an arrogant lad but I think he’s probably more awkward then arrogant. It was especially funny when he made that dramatic speech about next time he sees Soma it will be in a Shokugeki battle… only to find out that they would sit next to each other on the bus!  I guess all the long he just needed a rival and a friend who he can relate with. One thing for sure, Takumi and Soma will definitely respect each other from now on.

It looks like everyone in the Polar Star gang managed to survive by one day… for now. Now all the students have to serve 50 servings each to the muscular athletes. I felt sorry for Yuuki as she was looking forward to relax but now she can’t. The way she mellowed in despair was pretty funny to watch. It does seem rather unfair on all the students that they have to prepare all those dishes straightaway when they came back from a stern test. It’s amazing how quickly Soma prepared those 50 dishes. I hope Ikumi and Megumi and the rest of the Polar Star Gang manage to make those 50 dishes just in time.

Soma and Erina humming to the ending song was pretty fun to watch. Soma’s humming and dancing was really funny watch whilst Erina’s humming was relaxing to watch. I didn’t think they would bump into each other any time soon. I wonder what’s going to happen next. I’d imagine Erina is just going to give Soma a lot of verbal abuse. Haha.


FA Cup Trophy

It’s the FA Cup Final today and I’m really looking forward to it. As I understand it if Villa win the cup, they play in the Europa League next season, if Arsenal win, Southampton play in the Europa League next season.

Either way I do feel sorry for the English teams who play in the Europa League as it must be gruelling for them to play on a Thursday and a Sunday. Look what happened to Everton. They finished at the bottom half of the table. I get the feeling that the same could happen with Southampton. They had a fantastic season last season but if they play in the Europa League next season then I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t do as well as they did this season. Having said all that, they played above expectations this season and just ran out of steam near the end. I’m very pleased for them. =)

Anyway- my FA Cup prediction.

It’s going to be Arsenal 3-1 Aston Villa. I think Arsenal will just nudge Villa out but I don’t think they’ll keep a clean sheet. Let the fun times roll. =)

Thanks for reading. =)



Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma Episode Eight Thoughts

Food Wars Shokugeki no Soma

Every time I see Soma’s smug and confident face I literally crack up.

To get into Totsuki Culinary Academy you have to be pretty skilled and pass the introduction test. However, even though the passing rate is like 1% or 10% there are still quite a lot of students attending, especially in the first year. Why so many? It turns out that the real test begins on this camp trip. More students will no doubt be expelled and sent home.

I was expecting to see Soma’s Dad there as he is probably one of the best chefs in the world. But, the chefs at that camp have to be alumni of that school and Jouichirou did not necessarily go to that school. I suspect he did though but it will probably be revealed later.

The Takumi twins and Erina appear to have passed the test no problem so it’s now up to Soma and Megumi to make sure that they pass the test. Out of the Polar Star Gang I hope Ryouko and Yuuki pass their tests as I’m rather fond of them. I wouldn’t mind if Shun passes too. As for Zenji and Shouji… I wouldn’t lose sleep if they failed. Haha.

I knew that Takumi was going to be arrogant and I was really pleased when he was brought down to size by Hinako, the adorable chef teacher. It was especially funny when Soma was taking the mickey out of him. Even Takumi’s twin brother, Isami, thought that Takumi made a fool out of himself. XD


Megumi, Ryouko and Yuuki Eyecatch

I’m really looking forward to seeing what sort of dish Soma and Megumi come up with. I also hope we get more glimpses of Ikumi and we see more of Hinako, I think she really is cute. It was especially cute when she casually started to eat a packet of crisps on a side table. I don’t think many chefs would be that laid back.

Thanks for reading. =)

